Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Low Iodine Cooking on a 'school' night

Because of my busy schedule this weekend, I had to cook last night (on a "school" night!). Unfortunately on a low iodine diet, you cannot really eat out since every place cooks with salt, and who knows if it's iodized or not!

So I took my Monday to make:
  • Greek grilled chicken (good)
  • Sesame chicken fingers (salty, but decent)
  • Roasted root vegetables (tons of chopping, haven't even tasted it yet)
All fo the recipes were taken from/adapted from ThyCa's (Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association) Low Iodine Cookbook. You can find it on their website (http://www.thyca.org/) or directly through this link (PDF). I will try to post one of the altered recipes each day.

For all its restrictions, the diet is not vastly different from the anti-candida diet I'm supposed to be on. There was even one recipe from the cookbook that I really didn't have to alter and that never happens! I'm holding out hope that I'll be able to continue with some semblance of the diet past the end of the month and then maybe the yeasties will die.

You know what's sad? I barely remember when being on a diet just meant eating fruit for dessert instead of cookies; and if you cheated on the diet, all that happened was guilt. Ah, for the good old days.

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