Saturday, September 5, 2009

GF MENU: Chevys Fresh Mex

I do theatre. A lot. Last night, I opened an all-female production of Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona. I am one of the Gentlemen. If you don't know the play, it's the one referenced at the beginning of the movie Shakespeare in Love. The R&J audition monologue Gwyneth Paltrow does comes from Two Gents. So does the reference to "a bit with a dog".

Anyway, after opening night last night, my friends wanted to go out near the theatre. Usually when I plan for a meal out, I've done some research in advance about which restaurants offer what types of food. Ideally, there's a gluten-free menu involved too.

But last night, I had been working on my lines and not planning. So I went "blind" to Chevys Fresh Mex in Greenbelt, MD.

They have a gluten-free menu!!! I was so pleased. It was a print out, but it was already printed. The key to distinguish Gluten-free (GF) from Contains Gluten (CG) is small near the top. All of the restaurant items are listed with GF or CG after them. This makes the gluten-free list appear longers than it actually is, but there were still a decent number of choices.

You can find Chevys locations here: Right now, they appear to be located in AZ, CA, FL, IL, LA, MD, MN, MO, NJ, NV, NY, OR, SD, VA, WA.

(As a side note, I have garlic issues too. All of their meats, except the shrimp, are marinated with garlic, so be aware if that's also an allergy for you!)

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